Tuesday, October 15, 2013

First Steps

I never thought I would write a blog, but after finding inspiration, advice and fun new ideas from other blogs (shout out to SkinnyMeg and OhSheGlows), I thought maybe, just maybe, I can provide those same to someone else. 

My life so far has been very fortunate.  I grew up as the youngest of three in Northern California, spending hours upon hours on the soccer field.   After high school, I was fortunate to play soccer in college with the highlight of my career being able to play Notre Dame in the NCAA tournament.  It was our program's first NCAA appearance, and Notre Dame were the reigning national champions!  We got destroyed, but I will never forget that night! 

After college I went to graduate school and coached soccer while I earned my MBA.   During that time, my boyfriend popped the question!  A month after I graduated from my Master's program, we got married in California and I moved to Texas where he had started his career.  Three years later we are still in Texas, bought our first house and have a dog and cat that keep us busy! 

Thank you for letting me share my story and I am so excited to blog about life, fitness, nutrition and what daily choices we make can shape our lives! 

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