Monday, April 28, 2014


Well today was my first official full day going sugar free.  And this blog is more for my record, so if anyone reads it I apologize for lack of photos, or pazzazz.

For a variety of reasons, I have decided to cut processed white sugar out of my life.  Armed with the book "Salt, Sugar, Fat," listening to a few youtube clips on the detriments of sugar and getting pumped about the new movie "Fed Up" coming out May 9th I have a lot of positive hype on my side.

Within 2 minutes of walking into work I was confronted with brownies.  I love brownies, and could easily devour a pan in a day.  I politely said "No thank you" and that was mistaken for "not right now".  About 2:00 pm the brownies came back around and with some explaining about why I couldn't have any,  I survived-brownie free!  Yes, I did have to say even half or just a bite, was not Ok.  They looked so good.  However I am really proud of myself for making it through my first test. 

I was a bit bummed to find added sugar in my salad dressing, but once we finish our stash I will start making my own. 

Eventually I will start experimenting with some home made treats but the first two weeks are as sugar free as possible.  In case you are wondering my interpretation of sugar free does not include cutting good carbohydrates such as whole wheat flour or fruit, right now it only counts processed and refined foods. Also, I am not cutting alcohol off completely but will limit to 2-3 drinks a week after the initial 2 week "cleanse" I am going through.  

Happy end of day 2!!!